Четверг, 06.02.2025, 22:26
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Главная » Фотоальбом » Космос » A dust-bound supermassive black hole [artist's imp

A dust-bound supermassive black hole [artist's imp

his artist's impression shows the dust torus around a super-massive black hole. Black holes lurk at the centres of active galaxies in environments not unlike those found in violent tornadoes on Earth. Just as in a tornado, where debris is often found spinning about the vortex, so in a black hole, a dust torus surrounds its waist. In some cases astronomers can look along the axis of the dust torus from above or from below and have a clear view of the black hole. Technically these objects are then called "type 1 sources". "Type 2 sources" lie with the dust torus edge-on as viewed from Earth so our view of the black hole is totally blocked by the dust over a range of wavelengths from the near-infrared to soft X-rays.
822 0 5.0

Добавлено 22.01.2011 Lem

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